Wouldn’t You Rather be Peaceful? 3 Types of Hypnosis as Faster and Lasting Solutions for Anxiety.

3 Types of Hypnosis as Faster and Lasting Solutions for Anxiety.

15 12-2015
Wouldn’t You Rather be Peaceful? 3 Types of Hypnosis as Faster and Lasting Solutions for Anxiety.

Wouldn’t You Rather be Peaceful?

3 Types of Hypnosis as Faster and Lasting Solutions for Anxiety.

Sometimes letting go is the most productive thing we can do in the way of taking control of a situation, thereby significantly reducing or eliminating anxiety. This may seem counterintuitive, letting go to gain more control. However, the brain waves used in hypnosis and the actions taken by the client when relaxed into those brain waves facilitate mastery of oneself in this world in truly elegant ways. Hypnosis is where active mastery happens.  Certain levels of anxiety are normal, and perhaps even helpful. However, there are times when anxiety can get in the way of achieving your goals, being happy, at peace, living the life you want to live. I see this, especially with university students during mid-terms, finals, professionals trying to remain productive and focused, and people who want to enjoy their family, social lives and life more.  Anxiety and other conditions related to anxiety such as insomnia, test anxiety and panic can cause us to constrict, causing resistance, perpetuating the problem. (Anxiety Hypnosis).

Hypnosis, which occurs in the same brain wave as does meditation, has suffered a bad rap as a “snake oil” or mind control intervention for decades when, in fact, clients only accept suggestions in hypnosis that are acceptable to them, that are aligned with their values and morals. Clients never give up control, just tension. Such an idea of “snake oil” is not based in the volumes of measured results and findings using scientific methodology. Psychiatry, behavioral health, and modern medicine, confirm hypnosis is effective and safe. It is a well- known, integrative, pharmaceutical-free treatment and it is a recommended therapy for the treatment of anxiety disorders. This is because within this powerful brain wave, the client can, if they choose, assess their barriers to peace, heal and take control of troublesome situations or circumstances, by determining their own true safety or validity. (Anxiety Hypnosis).

Different kinds of hypnosis I teach and use with my clients include:

  1. Self Hypnosis, as many clinicians know, is simply regular hypnosis that you experience only with yourself. The client is always in control, making the choice to enter this powerfully healing state, and to make their own decisions within this state. Learning self-hypnosis is extremely valuable for accessing your own peace, in the moment. I teach my clients this skill in my private practice.
  2. Hypnotherapy is the use of direct, soothing suggestion, resulting in feelings of peace, calm, optimism and confidence. This kind of hypnosis is useful to many people in treating simple issues. (Anxiety Hypnosis).
  3. Hypnoanalysis involves the use of powerful diagnostic tools, accessing events around which certain troubling thoughts originated, making new decisions about those thoughts or events, and reinforcing your brilliant truth. It is similar to, but much more complex than, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy while in hypnosis. Making intentional decisions in your subconscious mind is akin to applying a turbo booster to any talk therapy session. (Anxiety Hypnosis).

It is possible to have freedom from anxiety and to have lasting peace. Hypnosis is a powerful tool to help you achieve this.

About Nina Pernecke, LCSW, Psychotherapist:
Clinical hypnotist and hypnoanalyst, communication and personal power educator.
Nina is passionate about helping people find their solutions through hypnosis, communication and stepping into their personal power. You can find her at Madison Counseling Solutions in Madison, Wisconsin, near the UW-Madison campus.
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